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Why we should follow the 10 Commandments

The Last Chance Of Freedom Video

My good friend, the Ten Commandments are the moral foundation of our society and the bedrock of Western civilization. They are timeless principles that have guided humanity for millennia, and they are as relevant today as they were when they were first inscribed.

The Ten Commandments provide a moral compass, a set of guidelines that, if followed, lead to a just and virtuous life. They promote respect for God, for oneself, and for others.

The first tablet concerns man's relationship with God:

Thou shalt have no other gods before me: This commandment affirms monotheism and the uniqueness of the God of Israel. It calls for undivided loyalty and worship, setting the stage for a personal and exclusive relationship with the divine.

Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image: This prohibits the creation and worship of idols, ensuring that God, who is spirit, is not reduced to a physical creation. It guards against the corruption of true worship and maintains the purity of faith.

Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain: This commandment demands reverence and respect for God's name and reputation. It teaches us to honor God's holiness and to avoid profanity and blasphemy.

Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy: This commandment establishes the importance of rest and worship. By setting aside a day for spiritual reflection and community, it fosters a sense of balance and prioritizes our relationship with God.

The second tablet deals with man's relationship to his fellow man:

Honor thy father and thy mother: This commandment emphasizes the importance of family and respect for authority. It promotes a culture of honor, gratitude, and responsibility, recognizing the role of parents in shaping the next generation.

Thou shalt not kill: This is a clear prohibition against murder and a call to respect the sanctity of human life. It underscores the value of each person and establishes the foundation for a just and peaceful society.

Thou shalt not commit adultery: This commandment safeguards the institution of marriage and promotes sexual purity. It upholds fidelity and commitment, ensuring stable families and communities.

Thou shalt not steal: This commandment protects private property and promotes honesty and integrity. It teaches us to respect the fruits of another's labor and to cultivate a sense of personal responsibility.

Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor: This commandment condemns lying and slander, encouraging truthfulness and fairness. It fosters trust and goodwill within communities.

Thou shalt not covet: This final commandment addresses the heart, the wellspring of our actions. It calls for contentment and gratitude, discouraging envy and greed, which can lead to violation of the other commandments.

These commandments are not mere suggestions, but a code of conduct that, when followed, leads to personal flourishing and societal harmony. They are a reminder of our moral responsibilities and a guide for living a life of virtue and meaning.

Now, some may argue that these commandments are outdated or incompatible with modern life, but I believe that is a dangerous and misguided notion. The Ten Commandments are timeless because they speak to the fundamental nature of humanity and our relationship with our Creator and each other. They are the bedrock of a just and moral society, and their relevance endures.

We've strayed from the values that made this nation great. You know, I've always said that the Ten Commandments are the bedrock of a moral and just society. They provide a clear framework for living a righteous life and a harmonious community. But, you see, in today's world, we've got a bunch of folks who want to throw out those timeless principles in the name of "progress" and "tolerance."

Now, I don't mean to sound like a grumpy old cowpoke, but mark my words: when you abandon the Lord's teachings, chaos ensues. We're seeing it every day—a breakdown of traditional values, a rise in all sorts of ungodly behavior, and a general lack of respect for our fellow man. It's a real doozy!

You know, the Ten Commandments aren't just a set of rules; they're a covenant between God and his people. They serve as a moral compass, guiding us towards honesty, integrity, and respect for the Lord and each other. But, sadly, in the name of "individual freedom," some folks want to cast them aside. They want to redefine right and wrong to fit their own selfish desires.

My fellow Americans, when we follow the Ten Commandments, we strengthen the moral fabric of our nation. They provide a framework for a just and peaceful society, where individuals are respected, life is cherished, and God is honored.

Let us heed these commandments and pass them on to future generations, ensuring that our nation remains a shining city upon a hill, a beacon of freedom and morality for all the world to see.

God bless America!

The 10 Commandments List, Short Form*

  1. You shall have no other gods before Me.

  2. You shall not make idols.

  3. You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain.

  4. Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.

  5. Honor your father and your mother.

  6. You shall not murder.

  7. You shall not commit adultery.

  8. You shall not steal.

  9. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.

  10. You shall not covet.

The Last Chance Of Freedom